Extremely easy to use. Just (1) Drag and drop, (2) change blending (composition mode) to screen and you are read to go.
More than 300 video overlays (mp4 & mov format).
Massive 4k Resolution
After Effects, Adobe Premier, Final Cut, DaVinci Resolve and Vegas: instructions included.
Fireworks: 20 Overlays
Glitch: 26 Overlays
LensFlare: 20 Overlays
Light Leaks: 25 Overlays
Light Lines: 21 Overlays
Particles: 23 Overlays
Planet: 21 Overlays
Rain: 19 Overlays
Rays: 15 Overlays
Shockwave: 25 Overlays
Smoke: 25 Overlays
Snow: 23 Overlays
Sparks: 23 Overlays
Other: 33 Overlays
Feel free to request something specific that fits your own needs, once you’ve made a purchase and we will be happy to help. Email us at [email protected].