The Buttery LUTs collection is the result of the collaboration between Local 600 DIT Raffaele Vesco and cinematographer Matteo Bertoli. Our collection includes a Natural Rec709 LUT, inspired by the industry standard Arri – Rec709, and four different creative LUTs.
The Buttery LUTs Collection was developed using Flanders Scientific DM250 OLED monitors which feature full 12-bit video processing and are among the most advanced for on set monitoring and post production.
The Buttery LUTs collection is currently available for:
– Panasonic GH5 and GH5s
– Blackmagic Ursa Mini Pro (G1 and G2)
– Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera (BMPCC4K, BMPCC6K and original BMPCC)
– Sony Alpha Serie (SLog2/SGamut3Cine) | FS5/FS7 – (SLog2/SLog3/SGamut3Cine)