ColorFinale là plugin chuyên nghiệp cho Final Cut Pro trong việc hiệu chỉnh màu sắc. Plugin hỗ trợ nhiều Preset màu cực đẹp, ngoài ra bạn cũng có thể chỉnh tay theo ý muốn
Tính năng chính:
Layer Based Grading
The power and elegance of grading via layers. We incorporate the best features of image editing applications.
Telecine Tools
Industry standard 3 Way Color Corrector and RGB Curves. We incorporate the best that the telecine suite has to offer.
LUT Utility
Apply industry standard Look Up Tables like OSIRIS and ImpulZ to accurately emulate the look of 35mm film.
Vector Grading
Powerful vector based grading to apply quick and accurate secondaries.
OS X 10.12.4 trở lên
Trang chủ:
Ver 2.2.8
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